Barry Revzin

Barry is a senior C++ developer at Jump Trading in Chicago, a research and technology driven trading firm. After programming for many years, he got really into the nuances and intricacies of C++ by being unreasonably active on StackOverflow, where is he is the top contributor in C++14, C++17, and C++20. A lot of his C++ knowledge comes from just answering questions that he doesn't know the answers to, especially when he answers them incorrectly at first. His C++ involvement escalated when he started attending standards committee meetings, having written dozens of papers for C++20 and already a few hoping for C++23. Outside of the C++ world, Barry is an obsessive swimming fan. He writes fun data articles for SwimSwam and also does analytics for the DC Trident, a professional swim team with multiple Olympic Gold Medalists, including Katie Ledecky.

Catch Barry Revzin in the following episode: